CalGovHR is accepting nominations for the 2019 Agency Awards for Excellence! The Agency Award for Excellence was established to recognize the overall quality, accomplishments, and contributions of member agency human resource programs that exceed expectations and go beyond the normal standards of a good government human resources program.
A maximum of three awards may be given. The awards are limited to program initiatives, accomplishments, and contributions within a three-year period immediately preceding the nomination. Awards will be presented at the 2019 CalGovHR Conference & Expoâ„¢. Compete to be one of California's top HR organizations!
A. Program Characteristics
Describe the environment in which the human resources program operates. Address specifically:
Size (i.e., number of employees served)
Types of employees (i.e., clerical, administrative, professional)
Union relations
Budget and human resource constrictions
Relationship to Chief Executive Officer
Whether the program is for an operating or central human resources agency
B. Human Resources Program
Describe the specific initiatives, accomplishments, and contributions and their results over the past three years. Specifically, please identify accomplishments that are exception
al or innovative. If the nomination is for a central human resources agency, describe how the accomplishments have benefited the agencies served. If the nomination is for an operating agency, describe how the accomplishments have benefited the management and employees of the agency.
How to Apply
All nominations should include the following identifying information: name of agency; agency head and title; agency address; name, title, and address of person submitting the nomination (must be an active member of CalGovHR). Nominations must be received by email no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, January 21, 2019 (extended). All nominations are considered as final entries and are limited in length to a maximum of five (5) pages. Email your nomination with attachments to
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact our Vice President, Selina Zapien, at or call (510) 668-4223.
